affiliate discount

there are a few great products that i love and love to share with you.
by using my discount code not only you get a percentage but you also support me since
also i get a little bit of money which is a great win win for us both.



period underwear and other period products

with the code “VH_KATHARINA” you get 12% off
or click directly here

biird pleasure toys

they are a Female-Led Pleasure Positive Brand
born in the Netherlands.

with the code ‘katharina10’ you get 10% off all biird products

Wilde Urnatur

Holistic Women's Health & Female Self-Care

with the code ‘katharina10’ you get 10% off

magu CBD

high quality CBD products with a focus on
sustainability and fair prices form austria

with the code ‘katharina15’ you get 15% off
all magu and mawu products


“Die ShaktiMat wirkt mit ihren 6.200 Akupressurspitzen wie eine Massage. Durch die verbesserte Durchblutung wird dir wohlig-warm und eine tiefe Entspannung setzt ein. Schmerzlinderung und verbesserter Schlaf machen dann dein Leben leichter.” - Quelle:

mit dem code ‘GA-KATHARINA10’ bekommst du 10% auf alle shakti produkte

herbarium officinale

herbal medicine for body, mind and soul

use the code ‘katharina10’ to get 10% off your purchase
online and in the store


gut bacteria for physical and mental health

with the code ‘katharina15’ you get 15€ off your first order


Das ONEflow TENS-Gerät lindert deine Schmerzen während der Periode oder Endometriose.


mit meinem Rabattcode bekommst du die Drop Pads gratis dazu! - einfach in den Warenkorb legen und meinen Code anwenden.