my highlights.


my highlights. 〰️


during the summerbreak of miraflores i was able to be a part of a three day exhibition including the work of Emma Lang and some amazing historic books by Frau Bartl.

feminist art

designmonat graz

during the ‘design monat graz’ some of my illustrations where where exhibited as prints at the makaro jewelery store. furthermore two ‘meet the designer’ took place where i was at the store talking about my art

Katharina Lorenz

interview for “women fiercely

“Katharina Lorenz ist Illustratorin und Grafikerin. Sie teilt auf ihrem Instagram Account viele empowernde Illustrationen zu Brüsten, Vulven, menschlichen Körpern und vieles mehr. In diesem Gespräch sprechen wir über Feminismus, Kunst, Selbstliebe und Empowerment.”

Katharina Lorenz

live talk & interview for the feminist
collective all authentic

in this interview i talked about my illustrations, how i got into doing them, what they mean to me, what message they have, what feminism is for me and lots more.

feminist illustration

illustration used at 
ed mag

in this case my illustration was used for an article about period tipps, pms and the cycle

feminist art

artist feature: interview for

“PAD reached out to Katharina after we fell in love with her incredible feminist art on Instagram. We sent her the following questions to understand her inspiration and what feminism means to her! She sent us her answers as well as a few of her pieces which you can see here.”

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